Daddy was on duty again last night and something very strange occurred - Something very extraordinary. Our little Zee actually slept through the entire night. Vanessa laid Zee in the crib without his normal before bed boob suck on Mommy’s au natural milk farm and walked out. I had been to the store and returned to hear my little man crying but did not go in. He finally calmed down and dozed off. We had ordered in and ate a nice Indian dinner and then settled down to watch a film called The Constant Gardener. We kept the baby monitor close by and waited to hear something from our little buddy….but the monitor remained silent. Vanessa went in to check on him and found him on his tummy breathing softly. We finished the movie without any interruptions and I settled in for a long night while Vanessa hit the sack.
Since I am on spring break and don’t have to work I am on Zee duty. My responsibility is to get Zee off the Mommy milk train so she can finally get a decent night sleep. Last night, Saturday apparently went well as I let Zee cry for three minutes, and then picked him up for a few minutes, set him down and let him cry another five minutes…and so on until he finally slept. He woke twice and this process went on for 30 minutes and then 45 minutes. I even felt rested when I woke up and placed Zee in the bed with Mommy and headed out before 0545.
I opened my book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and read while waiting for the baby monitor to let out a squawk…and read, and read. I had just started the book and I was already on page 67. I looked at my watch and noticed it was already 11:00 PM. I ran and checked on little buddy and found him purring. Nice! This wasn’t normal. He should have already woken up. I went to sleep in an adjacent room with the baby monitor next to my head and dozed off. I woke up in a panic at 0300 and ran to Zees room. There he was. Face down breathing gently. Thanks goodness! I went back to sleep and didn’t awake until 0530 which is sleepin’ in over here in Muslim land.
Let’s see what tonight holds.