Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Anniversary

August 14th was our wedding anniversary. We actually celebrate two dates...the one in which we eloped in Africa and then the second wedding we shared with family and friends. I was already in a daze from being sleep deprived and up another half night trying to sleep train Teo and keep him in his crib and out of his Momma's bed when Vanessa said, "Happy Anniversary!" It was only 0600 and the taxi driver was knocking on my door reminding me that he was waiting outside to take me to school. Zee looked up at me briefly as he laid on the ground and rolled his bajai around. "Huh?" I had forgotten our anniversary in this chaotic time of our lives.....

The whole family is just getting over the jet lag from the trip home, school is back in full force for me and Vanessa is back at work.

I arrive at work and turn the computer on and access my personal email. There is an email from both my Uncle and my Dad's email address. The subject line reads "DAD". I quickly quick on it and find that Dad has had stomach and chest problems and has been rushed by ambulance to a heart clinic. My own heart feels as if it has skipped a beat. My Uncle's email verifies the incident. I quickly try to ring my sister and there is no answer. I ring my Dad's cell phone and it doesn't work. I try my Uncle's number and it won't work. I finally call my close friend who picks up and says he already has the news and is about to board a plane and will email me in an hour. I quickly go to a 7:10 am meeting and get a call from Vanessa who has just seen the email. I leave the meeting and class starts at 7:30. There is a break and I finally try my Dad's cell phone. My Mom picks up and tells me that my Dad is now going through extensive tests but they do not know for sure what is happening.

Vanessa sends me an email alerting me that an acquaintance of ours who we met and partied with here in Jakarta has been murdered in Afghanistan. I had seen the link to the article and showed my students but had not had time to peruse the article. I wanted to check it because one our good friends and Vanessa's former boss is there .

Here is a link to the article:

Nicole was a very smart and switched on girl. I had really connected with her and wanted her to come and speak to my class about journalism, reporting, and global issues......

I met Vanessa for drinks and dinner after the day and we discuss the events of the day, plans for a possible return home, a toast to us, and hop a taxi home to put the boys to bed.

It's now 10:30 PM and I call to check with Mom about Dad. No one knows much but they now think he will be moved to another location because they believe it is not the heart but the pancreas. My Mom mentions that my father was apparently sleeping and snoring when they did a check on his lungs. The specialist asks my Mom is my Dad is a smoker. "Oh yeah", Mom replies, "Big time." The specialist replies, "Hmm, that is weird because his lungs look pretty clear for a smoker." At this time my father suddenly sits up (remember he was snoring) and gives the specialist checking his lungs a high five. My Mom is still at my sister's house so I ring the hospital. I get lucky and ring the room and my Dad picks up. He is in obvious pain, groggy, and his breathing is labored. He apologizes to me and tells me not to worry in true Dad fashion. I let him rest and tell him I will call back later.

I feel like I end the night the same way I began the a daze...

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I am just reading this a few days late. How's dad now? Life sure can take it out of you. I hope that explains why I turn into a pumpkin around 7pm. Here's wishing the pattern of the new school year, along with sons who are sleeping better, allows you to grasp hold of the days. They go so fast!

I'm going to read the article about your friend now.