Happy Mom’s Day
My alarm woke me up late. I was supposed to be at the zoo by 0500 but instead I was looking at my cell phone ringing and it was already 0500. Ughh. I was beat. I quickly packed my bag and hopped on old blue and raced to the zoo in the morning darkness. Once I arrived, the zoo was alive with my friends rushing hither and thither putting banners up, setting up the shoots for the runners to come through, and placing marshals at critical positions for the 5KM Race and Fun Run Race. It was the last of 5 races to put on and this one was ours. Our running club called “The Jakarta Free Spirits” was putting this one on. Things went well. My official title was Potty Boy and I had ordered the “Western” style port-a-johns the day before so I was pleased. There were over 500 people that showed up for the race and the times were fast for such an undulating course passing tigers, crocodiles, elephants, and monkeys. Starbucks was present as well as New Balance selling their shoes. Only a few people passed out at the finish which was a good thing.
As I came running in the final stretch huffing and puffing I could hear Vanessa screaming my name as she pointed out “Daddy” to Zee man. It felt good to finish as I had yet to have my cup of Java to get my motor started. After the race there was a 100m dash for the wee little ones and Master Zee completed his first dash in record time…..for a 21 month old. Good stuff. (Hopefully my friend who snapped some pictures will send them to me so I can post them).
After the race Mom and I took Zee for a train ride at the zoo and then we went to the gorilla and monkey exhibits. It was nice until another little boy got too close to the monkeys and one of the monkeys grabbed his little curls and tries to pull him by the hair through the fence. I am sure the boy will be as traumatized and scarred for life as I was. As I started to run to pull him away he managed to rip himself away. No real physical harm done but I doubt he will ever read any monkey stories the same way ever again. His Mom checked him for scratches and none were found…thankfully.
After the tour of the monkeys I was told my team had won second place overall and I had missed the medal awards. We headed home to get ready for Mother’s Day brunch. We met some friends at the Intercontinental for a wonderful brunch from 12:00 to 3:00 complete with free flow champagne, wine and amazing food. It was so nice to just relax and swap yarns with friends and celebrate Mother’s day.
After brunch we returned home and we were called by other friends who wanted to meet up for dinner. Zee and their boy hang out so we decided to meet them at 6:00 PM at a local pizza shop. Mayhem ensued as five young children ran around the restaurant as if they were wild mustangs and we were the cowboys in charge of herding them to the next event. Needless to say I was glad that I was still full from brunch. Vanessa had to leave after about 15 minutes to go to work on Mothers Day in order to save the world. I thought a nice gift would be a Wonder Woman outfit but decided against it….it wouldn’t fit her pregnant body. I stayed on and had Zee racing the other kids up stairs and teaching him how to honk a car horn to the dismay of the other parents. Zee and I quickly escaped as the other kids honked the horn as we hopped a taxi for home. I realized I had left the baby bag at the pizza shop….oooops.
I returned home and bathed Zee man and as we were eating he suddenly wanted his Momma and would not relent. We had to go for a walk to look at the Geckos and find some stray cats in the “hood” to distract him. It worked. Momma returned home at 7:45 PM, just in time for a bedtime story, and then another day came to an end.
We are getting down to the wire. Momma V and Master Zee will travel to
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