Oh, the constant question of having a job that suits the heart and personal passion while also allowing us to sleep at night and also does more than just pay the rent and top ramon for dinner. A student stopped by after school to ask me about life. She wants to pursue a career in musical acting. Her mother tells her she will not make money and that she needs to be a video designer for television. I ask her if this interest her. She shakes her head. It's a definite NO. Her father actually likes the idea. This is a start. Most of my Asian students are heading for the high paying business careers and students pursuing a vocation in the arts is rare. I talk about the idea of loving your job and enjoying life vs not necessarily enjoying a job and settling for the wealth aka the Golden Handcuffs. I use myself as an example and my decision to go into teaching vs business. After a lengthy discussion, my student who was holding her head down is now standing tall and smiling. I assigned her homework to show me evidence of musical actors who are doing well, paying their bills, and even wealthy. I will be playing her Mom and she the dutiful daughter who wants nothing more than to pursue her passion while pleasing her Mother who never seems to be around to converse as she runs one of the many embassies in town. She must use the research method I have taught her in providing evidence that will convince her Mom that her decision is right for her....I hope it works.
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