What can I say? Life is good. Zee continues to grow and blossom as the local women jockey for a chance to hold him, touch him, kiss him, croon over him, take pictures of him. They are the paparazzi and Zee the star. He is an icon as the women run toward him "Zee, Zee" they scream. I swear that you would think he was the next Buddha or the offspring of Mohammed - but I love every bit of it and I am known as Zee's Dad. Bapak Zee. I am the father of a star - My star.
Vanessa is loving her work and on top of all of her duties at work she is studying to be a lactation consultant. It is great to see her so passionate about something so important. She is still breastfeeding and is doing some very interesting work and advocacy in relation to breast feeding.
I continue to learn, to grow, to question myself, and to love it all. Teaching is an even more enrichening experience than I could ever imagined. Although it is draining and leaves me exhausted it also envigorates and excites me at the same time. It seems as if there is never enough time to soak up all the knowledge. I am taking an online coarse related to conflict, race, disrimination, identity, the Holocaust and designing a Conflict curriculum and then a Holocaust curriculum after that as it relates to bystanders and perps. It is interesting to learn more about my Mom and how much prejudiced she endured and how much she and my father overcame. So much to learn. Vanessa and my conversations are deep and interesting and we are surrounding ourselves with positive people but our days are a blur as we realize the week has passed and Zee has learned a new facial expression, sign, word, Mensa problem.
My parents just wrote to tell me about a good friend who I met in Mexico years ago at a Hostel in D.F. that stopped in to have dinner with them. He was accompanied by his wife and child. How cool is that. A good time was had by all.
Vanessa is loving her work and on top of all of her duties at work she is studying to be a lactation consultant. It is great to see her so passionate about something so important. She is still breastfeeding and is doing some very interesting work and advocacy in relation to breast feeding.
I continue to learn, to grow, to question myself, and to love it all. Teaching is an even more enrichening experience than I could ever imagined. Although it is draining and leaves me exhausted it also envigorates and excites me at the same time. It seems as if there is never enough time to soak up all the knowledge. I am taking an online coarse related to conflict, race, disrimination, identity, the Holocaust and designing a Conflict curriculum and then a Holocaust curriculum after that as it relates to bystanders and perps. It is interesting to learn more about my Mom and how much prejudiced she endured and how much she and my father overcame. So much to learn. Vanessa and my conversations are deep and interesting and we are surrounding ourselves with positive people but our days are a blur as we realize the week has passed and Zee has learned a new facial expression, sign, word, Mensa problem.
My parents just wrote to tell me about a good friend who I met in Mexico years ago at a Hostel in D.F. that stopped in to have dinner with them. He was accompanied by his wife and child. How cool is that. A good time was had by all.
I ran a half-marathon yesterday morning with some friends and it felt good. There was a light breeze on part of it and I thought about my family and friends. I felt my pace increase as a smile spread across my sweaty face. About 20 0f us went to take coffee afterward and while there I received a call from Vanessa to tell me some of our closest friends from Atlanta had just told her that they may be stationed here in Big Smoke with us and they will be living in the same complex. We will be neighbors! How cool is that? We are keeping our fingers crossed that all falls into place as is meant to happen. Life is happening and it is seldom I get a chance to blog, to reflect, or to take it all in but it's a good thing when there is that time to do it. A friend stopped into my class today and asked me if I wanted to do an adventure race in Singapore. ....why not I said. What else do I have to do.
It is amazing how your body adjusts to four and five hours of sleep and loads of Java and sleeping in is 0500.
It is amazing how your body adjusts to four and five hours of sleep and loads of Java and sleeping in is 0500.
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