Thursday, January 24, 2008
Teo and Vanessa are entered into the Guiness World Records

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I had just given Zee a bath and he was trotting about in the nude – all smiles. He was donning his choice outfit. He refused to put on a diaper and 'jamas so I let him run amok for awhile. We played under the covers and I made my legs appear like a huge rock and mountain under the sheets as Zee imagined himself summiting a real mountain peak before he would then jump or roll off the top of the soft down peak. “Yippeee...Helicopter, Daddy” he shouted. And Daddy, acting as both helicopter and operator, propelled Zee skyward as he pretended to be SuperMan – his words. I told him to clap his hands as he steadied himself precariously on the top of my extend legs and flattened two feet. “Kick your legs, stretch out your hands” I said to him. And he did them all with a grin and would then proceed to roll himself off of the balance beam until he tumbled to the mattress and bounced up and down. Then he decided to climb into Baby Teo's crib to get his fire engine. While in his little brother’s crib he locked eyes with me and started jumping up and down laughing and screaming. He liked being naked...it seemed to provide him a sense of independence, autonomy, and excitement. Suddenly, he got that look in his eye. Not the evil eye, mind you. No. You know the look I am talkin' about. The LOOK that makes a parent blurt out, "Oh no, oh damn, oh s***!” but I realized I was seated too far away, just out of reach when it happened.
Zee looked me in the eye and I watched as he bounced into the air and took flight as if he was living out his dream of becoming SuperZee. It was beautiful to watch his chest clear the top of the crib but then his midline, precisely his penis, thumped the top of wooden gate and sent him somersaulting. It was dazzling, audacious, and gutsy, and I was proud to be his father at that moment, but the reality soon hit home. It was that Master Zee had made this astonishing airborne flight because he trusted Daddy to catch him, to save him, to soften the landing...but it was only Zee, the atmosphere, and fate controlling his flight pattern as his small exposed buddy spun fiercely in the air and I was left to witness the crash landing. I would have given him a 9.5 on form but his dismount was disgraceful. He landed on his head and his back was contorted and his feet tumbled over his head onto the mattress on the floor. This is where he lost the points. It's always the dismount. As a Dad I was both elated at my son’s adventurous spirit but also fearful that I had brown crowned my boxer shorts. Zee glanced up at me wide eyed, a bit in shock, and speculated whether or not he was still in this world. I went into EMT mode to make sure he had not suffered anything more than psychologically trauma and wondered how I would get him to the closest medical facility. I could seek a psychotherapist at another time. Zee was holding his wrist, and pointing at his present boyhood and future manlihood. He had suffered a minor abrasion on his waist from the crib and I soon resorted to the art of distraction. As soon as I said the word "ice cream" there was a pause in the sniveling and then....it was over. Zee and I were walking hand in hand to the store for an ice cream bar – and of course Zee was now in a diaper and pajamas and Dad had changed his boxers.